Most commands in game can be accessed by pressing the [T] key to bring up your chat window.  You can then type / and the command.  The following is a list of the most commonly used commands and their purpose:


A command is usually formatted /command argument1 argument2..etc

Setup & Account Commands

/apiidDisplays the API ID for the user's account. Required as part of the initial account setup
/myaccountinfoDisplays your current Account Time Statistics
/mycredithistoryDisplays your current Social Credit Score history
/verifycadRemoves the CAD Verification at the top of a player's screen

General Character Commands

/attachAttaches vehicles to another vehicle. Used on flatbeds for towing vehicles.
/bagOpens/Closes the current bag inventory if wearing one.
/bagoffToggles a bag accessory on/off
/braceletToggles a bracelet on/off
/checkdsrDisplays the Driver Safety Rating for the currently logged in character
/checksocialcreditDisplays the Social Credit Score for the user's account
/detachDetaches a vehicle from another vehicle. Used at completion of towing.

Chat/Advertising Commands

/adPays $50 to place an ad that will appear on all players screen
/cuffHandcuffs the nearest player's hands behind their back
/frontcuffHandcuffs the nearest player's hands in front of them

Police Commands

/breathalyseAdministers a breathalyser to the nearest player
/cuffHandcuffs the nearest player's hands behind their back
/frontcuffHandcuffs the nearest player's hands in front of them

Tow Commands

/attachAttaches vehicles to another vehicle. Used on flatbeds for towing vehicles.
Column #1Column #2

Race Steward Commands

/addracerAdds racer (ID) to the racer roster currently active
/racegoStarts the race countown
/raceresetResets the current race
/racestatusToggles a race setup on/off with 1/0
/racestopStops an active race
/removeracerRemoves racer (ID) from the racer roster currently active
/vehiclecheckProvides a vehicle certification report based on existing race requirements

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